Today I received an unexpected compliment from a former client that I met in my office regarding a new matter that they retained us on.
As the client was about to exit the conference room, they made a sudden turn and looked at me as if they had almost forgotten to tell me something—they said: “You have always represented us and everyone we have referred to your Firm very well. However, we also want to thank you because it now seems as though you are also helping us with non-legal, personal matters as well.”
I honestly had no idea what they were talking about so after thanking them I asked them to please clarify how it was that I was now helping them. They said to me,
“Sir I have no idea where you find the time to write or how you come up with the things you write about, but I have to tell you that some of the things you have recently written about could not have been placed in front of me at a more perfect time. What you say has not only helped me, but it has inspired me and for this I want thank you. Please keep it up.”
I honestly did not know what to say—I was at a loss of words. I recently began to write about things that did not necessarily have to do with either the law or business. I have started to write more about matters that I think are relevant and important to us all and that may benefit others. I write about these various topics because I see them surface so frequently in my profession, they inspire something inside of me to share them with you.
My law school professor once said right before dismissing the class: “Guys, when you become an attorney you will be in a position to help others. That is why you are here. However, please never forget that you are not just an attorney, you are a counselor with the ability to help in more ways than just in the law.”
My professor’s words inspired me then and still do now.
My client’s words inspired me today and still will tomorrow.